We all want healthy communities, where we and our loved ones can thrive. But too many Coloradans continue to be exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke and vapor. Find out what you can do to protect yourself and others from the chemicals found in secondhand smoke and vapor.

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What policies are protecting you?

Smoke-free community policies are proven to protect people from harmful secondhand smoke exposure, help people quit smoking successfully and prevent young people from starting to smoke.

See if your community meets the highest standards in smoke-free policies to keep you, your family and neighbors safe.

See the Policy in Your Community


If your community is not on this map, consider reaching out to your local public health agency through the form below, to see how you can help change that!

Get Involved

Do you want to help introduce or advance smoke-free policies in your community? Share your contact information below and we’ll help you connect with a smoke-free coalition in your area.

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Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in this country, killing 41,000 nonsmokers each year.

See how exposure to secondhand smoke and vapor can be harmful to those nearby.