It’s not Failure, It’s a Work in Progress

Most people have to try several times before they finally quit for good.

If you are like most people, quitting is not an event — it’s a process. Tobacco and nicotine use is more than just a bad habit — it’s a powerful addiction, designed to make it difficult to stop. So, the quitting process takes time. 

Don’t be discouraged if you have tried to quit before. That puts you in good company, as most tobacco and nicotine users try to quit many times before they are finally successful. You should feel proud that you are trying again to quit!


Quitting Takes Practice

What Could be Different This Time?

You’ve decided to give quitting tobacco or nicotine another shot. Good for you!

Remember, every try is a step toward success. You’re not alone, and many resources and support are there to help you.

This time around, you can make it different by trying these:

*Disclaimer: Neither TobaccoFreeCO nor the State of Colorado endorse this app.

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