Get the facts before you have a chat.

Many youth who vape believe that what they’re using is just harmless water vapor. In order to understand what they’re using and what they’re going through, it’s important to get informed about vaping before you discuss it.

Most vapes contain nicotine. Many even say “nicotine free” on the label. Most teens start out thinking they can stop whenever they want and won’t ever become addicted. And lots more start smoking cigarettes, a product that kills half its users. In fact, a teen who vapes is four times more likely to start smoking.  

On top of that, teens who vape nicotine or THC from marijuana may have trouble learning and memory issues. And the chemicals used to create vape flavorings can damage the lungs, heart, and immune system, whether or not nicotine is present.1

Invite your child to talk, be patient and ready to listen.

If your child is caught vaping or admits to vaping, try to stay calm and non-judgmental. Listen, don’t lecture.

  • Try to understand their feelings.
  • Avoid showing judgment.
  • Keep asking questions and check to make sure you understand.

This is an excellent opportunity to talk about it and learn why they were doing it. Say things like, “Tell me more about what led you to vape.” and “What are some of the reasons?” Let them know you are concerned about their vape use becoming more frequent, but try to encourage them to keep talking by asking open-ended, non-judgmental questions.

It can be hard to bring up a topic like vaping.

Hear these adults share tips for how they create opportunities to talk to the youth in their lives.


Try to find out if there is a deeper problem.

If they vaped more than once, or are currently vaping, try to get a feel for why. For example, determine if or how their relationships with others have changed, if they are under added stress at school, if their grades have changed, or if they’re hanging out with a different crowd.

Support them in quitting.

If they show any interest in quitting, congratulate them, and ask which resources or strategies they think might work best for them. Talk to your doctor or suggest they check out My Life My Quit,a support program that serves Coloradans as young as 12 years old who want to quit vaping, smoking, or chewing tobacco. They can enroll themselves quickly and easily at Coaching is available through online chat, texting, or over the phone. Coaching is free, confidential, non-judgmental, and is shown to increase the chances of quit success.

Find resources as a parent or educator to learn more about how to best support the young people in your life if they want to quit.


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